If you own a music Institution,  KOOZAK made it easy for you to gather all your instructors under one umbrella and keep track of your online sessions. Just create an account as an Institution, complete registration, add instructors, submit  classes , enter active sessions and handle payments. By  KOOZAK you may held private or a group sessions for students. 

Believe or not, online music lessons suits 21st century very well. recent global pandemic revealed online music learning  potential even more than before.

Therefore, these days People show more welcome to online learning. But why we insist on video conferencing  for music learning ?

The nature of Learning how to play an instrument is visual,  Internet works just as well as a book in a classroom and music files can be shared via the internet, but on-demand videos are  more efficient to learn music on internet as they contain both visual and audio aspects. On-demand videos are asynchronous, this means the learner can not ask questions or ask for more emphasis on a subject. Video conferencing services offers synchrono....... Read More

Recording  is a unique feature in KOOZAK that enables you to go over your class once again. assume that  you forgot some parts of your previous session, this way you may easily go to your archive and learn from previous class. Just remember that KOOZAK archives your sessions for 48 hours only. So you have two good days to review your class again. Enjoy!

If you are an astronaut or a scientist and have a mission to the International space station or even Further to the Mars, don't worry !!  you may still keep your music sessions with your Instructor on the blue planet via KOOZAK. Just remember to keep your earth time accurate. 

Now a days it's important to keep our distances and avoid unnecessary traffic. In the era that you can remotely take care of your business. KOOZAK is here to bring your music class to your comfort zone.

String Instruments
String Instruments
String Instruments
String Instruments
String Instruments
String Instruments